Dr. Andy standing at the fence for the Experimental Breeder Reactor I (EBR I) on the Idaho National Laboratory reservation in August 2023.

Welcome to the "official" webpage of Dr. Andy Hollerman, Professor of Physics at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette in Lafayette, Louisiana. Dr. Hollerman has been teaching and doing research in all aspects of experimental physics for more than 30 years. Since his childhood, Dr. Andy has been interested in all aspects of science/engineering from the first moon landings in 1969 to solving today's big question of the real nature of dark matter and energy. For most of his adult life, Dr. Hollerman has been happy to participate in a variety of "practical" research programs with the Department of Defense, the Department of Energy, the Environmental Protection Agency, and NASA. In fact, Dr. Andy is one of the three co-inventors of non-burning tracer ammunition. Dr. Hollerman has been fortunate to participate in research concerning nuclear weapons effects, the historical mercury contamination of a small stream, hypervelocity impacts, radiation effects on luminescent materials, developing smart sensors for spacecraft, triboluminescence, and much more in his varied career. Through it all, Dr. Andy has kept his sense of humor and his love of physics. Dr. Hollerman plans on keeping busy with his teaching and research schedule along with his other passion of cooking championship quality meats for many years to come.

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Last modified: August 21, 2023.