Refereed Journal Articles
  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, and S.M. Goedeke, Initial Evidence of a Triboluminescent Wavelength Shift for ZnS:Mn Caused by Ballistic Impacts, Materials Letters, 65, 1108-1110 (2011).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Triboluminescent Materials for Smart Sensors, Materials Today, 14, 292-293 (2011).

  • R.S. Fontenot and W.A. Hollerman, Measuring Triboluminescence From ZnS:Mn Produced by Ballistic Impacts, Journal of Instrumentation, 6, T04001 (2011).

  • K.N. Bhat, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Research Review of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium (EuD4TEA) and Related Materials, International Journal of Chemistry, 1(1), 100-118 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, M.D. Aggarwal, and K.M. Nguyen, Comparison of the triboluminescent yield and decay time for europium dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium synthesized using different solvents, CrystEngComm, 14(4), 1382-1386 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, M.D. Aggarwal, K.N. Bhat, and S.M. Goedeke, A Versatile Low-Cost Laboratory Apparatus For Testing Triboluminescent Materials, Measurement, 45(3), 431-436 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Innovative Triboluminescence Study of Multivitamin Doped Europium Tetrakis, Crystal Research and Technology, 45(5), 573-578, Paper shown on journal cover (2012).

  • W.A. Hollerman, R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, M.D. Aggarwal, C.J. Guidry, and K.M. Nguyen, Comparison of Triboluminescent Emission Yields for Twenty-Seven Luminescent Materials, Optical Materials 34 (9), 1517-1521 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Synthesis and Characterization of Highly Triboluminescent Doped Europium Tetrakis Compounds, Journal of Luminescence, 132(7), 1812-1818 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Comparison of Triboluminescent Light Yield Versus Impact Energy for Europium Tetrakis and ZnS:Mn Powders, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics, 6, 15 (2012).

  • W.A. Hollerman, R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Measuring the Process Variability in Triboluminescence Emission Yield for EuD4TEA, Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 43(11), 4200-4203 (2012).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of Added Uranium on the Triboluminescent Properties of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, Journal of Luminescence, 134(2), 477-482 (2013).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of Dimethyl Methylphosphonate on the Triboluminescent Properties of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, Sensors & Transducers Journal, 149(2), 109-115 (2013).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of Crystallite Grain Size on the Triboluminescent Emission for EuD4TEA, Advanced Materials Letters, 4(8), 605-609 (2013).

  • L. Kobakhidze, C. Guidry, W. Hollerman, and R. Fontenot, Detecting Mechanoluminescence From ZnS:Mn Powder Using a High Speed Camera, IEEE Sensors Journal, 13(8), 3053-3059 (2013).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, S.W. Allison, and M.D. Aggarwal, Luminescent Properties of Lanthanide Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium Compounds, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Physics 7:30 (2013).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, T.R. Alapati, and M.D. Aggarwal, Triboluminescent Properties of Dysprosium Doped Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, ECS Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 2(9), 384-388 (2013).

  • K.N. Bhat, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, T.R. Alapati, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of Adding Caffeine on the Triboluminescent Properties of Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, International Journal of Chemistry, 2(2), 165-172 (2013).

  • R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, K.N. Bhat, M.D. Aggarwal, and B.G. Penn, Incorporating Strongly Triboluminescent Europium Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium into Simple Polymers, doi:10.1038/pj.2013.78, 46(2), 111-116 (2014).

  • K.N. Bhat, R.S. Fontenot, R. Surabhi, W.A. Hollerman, M.D. Aggarwal, and T.R. Alapati, Measurement of the Triboluminescent Properties for Europium and Samarium Tetrakis Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, Electronic Materials Letters, 10 (6), 1149-1153 (2014).

  • R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, C.A. Owens, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of added dibutyl phosphate on the luminescent properties of europium tetrakis dibenzolylmethide triethylammonium, Journal of Luminescence, 158, 428-434 (2015)

  • R.S. Fontenot, C.A. Owens, K.N. Bhat, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Magnesium tetrakis dibenzoylmethide triethylammonium: A novel blue emitting phosphor, Materials Letters, 146, 9-11 (2015).

  • R.S. Fontenot, S.W. Allison, W.A. Hollerman, K.J. Lynch, and F. Sabri, Mechanical, Spectral, and Luminescence Properties of ZnS:Mn Doped PDMS, Journal of Luminescence, 170 (1), 194-199, doi:10.1016/j.jlumin.2015.10.047 (2016).

  • K.N. Bhat, R.S. Fontenot, W.A. Hollerman, and M.D. Aggarwal, Effects of Water on the Triboluminescent Properties of Europium Tetrakis Dibenzoylmethide Triethylammonium, Journal of Solid State Science and Technology, 5(6), 110-113 (2016).

Proceedings Articles
  • W.A. Hollerman, R.S.Fontenot, B.M. Broussard, S.M. Goedeke, and C.J. Guidry, Developing Impact Marking Projectiles Using Triboluminescent Materials, Abstract Published in the Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 17th APS Topical Conference on Shock Compression of Condensed Matter (Chicago, IL), (2011).

  • W.A. Hollerman, R.S. Fontenot, K.N. Bhat, M.D. Aggarwal, C.J. Guidry, and K.M. Nguyen, Review of Triboluminescence Impact Research at Projectile Speeds of 1 m/s to 6 km/s, Procedia Engineering, 58, 392-400 (2013).

  • W. A. Hollerman, R. S. Fontenot, P. Darby, N. Pugh, and J. Miller, Using Exotic Materials Like EuD4TEA and MgD4TEA to Monitor Damage and Radiation Exposure in Extreme Environments, ECS Transactions, Solid State Topics General Session, Volume 85, Seattle, WA (2018).

  • P. J. Darby III, W.A. Hollerman, and J.A. Miller,Exploring the Potential Utility of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Practical Bridge Inspection in Louisiana, Proceedings of the 2019 Tran-Set Conference, San Antonio, TX (2019).

  • N.T. Deoli, A.B. de Vera, K.L. Coutee, J.D. Dias, H.E. Udeogu, P.L. Klerks, W.A. Hollerman, and K.H. Hasenstein, Status of the Louisiana Accelerator Center, American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings, 2160, 040005, (2019).

  • W.A. Hollerman, R.S. Fontenot, and J. Miller, Differences in Emission Properties for Triboluminescent EuD4TEA Synthesized Using Europium Nitrate or Europium Acetate, ECSarXiV Preprints, DOI: 10.1149/ (2019).

  • W.A. Hollerman, J. Miller, and S. Williams, Using Video Photometry to Measure the 3 MeV Proton Half Brightness Fluence for Tetrakis (Dibenzoylmethide) Europium (III) Triethylammonium, ECSarXiV Preprints, DOI: 10.1149/ (2020).

Book Editor and Author
  • D.O. Olawale, O. Okoli, R.S. Fontenot, and W.A. Hollerman, Editors, Triboluminescence - Theory, Synthesis, and Applications, Springer International Publishers, Switzerland, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-38842-7_1, (2016).

Book Chapter

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Last modified: August 17, 2020.